Friday, March 25, 2016

The promise of an empty tomb.

This has certainly been a different Lenten season for me. I have spent between forty and sixty hours each week at the hospital. In that time, I have been in education and doing clinical work as a chaplain. I have witnessed life, hurt and even death first hand, I have been asked to provide support and words of encouragement to the hurting and the dying, and prayer for those who are in the most difficult times of their lives, prayers for comfort, for healing, for reconciliation.  
In the midst of all of this, we are in Lent, a time, for me, of personal reflection and a heightened awareness of God in my life. In my reflection and through my experiences here I have come to see God more clearly in all phases of our lives.
In all our brokenness and pain is the resurrection story, Jesus on a cross and an empty tomb, an empty tomb which proves the promises of God's love for each of us.
As we enter Easter, my wish for you is you will rejoice with me in the emptiness of the tomb and the fullness of our life in Christ.